Beginners - For Dogs that have not mastered the basics or completed a course before
The Beginners course covers basic commands & handling. The commands taught are : Dogs name, Come, Sit, Down, No/Leave, Heel, Wait, Stay, Praise words and Release word/phrase. By the end of the course dogs and handlers should have mastered the following exercises:
1. Sit / Down |
2. Novice Recall |
Dog should instantly adopt correct position when the command is given without any physical assistance.
Dog sits and waits until called and 'presents' to handler i.e. straight sit in front of handler.
3. Heelwork |
4. Sit / Down Stay |
Basic heelwork with dog paying some attention to handler without pulling, sniffing or gawping around. Dog should maintain position when weaving round other dogs and sit straight when handler halts.
Dog remains in position while handler goes twice round him until handler returns and releases him.
5. Titbit Refusal / Control With Other Dogs |
6. General Control |
Dog should remain sitting quietly beside handler whilst other dogs go past. Dog should also refuse an offered titbit and remain sitting quietly beside handler. Titbit only to be accepted when dog is released.
Dog should behave in company, not pull on lead, not leap out of the car, etc
All breeds / ages welcome from 10 weeks old onwards. Pups must be fully vaccinated.
Places are limited to 5-10 dogs/handlers in most instances so early application is advisable
Please click on application form to view and print/download a form or contact me for more details
Places are limited to 5-10 dogs/handlers in most instances so early application is advisable
Please click on application form to view and print/download a form or contact me for more details